单词 roll up 例句大全,用单词roll up造句:

I roll up Itachis pant leg to see a rather large gash on his calf.
Roll around and up to the right in the snake formation change move.
Study on finger print of roll up tongue population in han nationality
With one roll, the stone suddenly turned into a white dove and flew up.
The volume of sales is expected to roll up as the Spring Festival nears.
春节临近, 预计销售量将逐渐增加。
Still Xiangzi said nothing. Shivering, he started to roll up his bedding.
Roll up all the posters carefully, so we can use them for our next event.
The United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia could roll up Nigeria and Russia.
Roll the casualty back over the blanket roll to lay face up on the blanket.
将伤患的背部滚到毛毯上, 使其面部朝上。
Returning indoors, he replaced the broom and decided to roll up his bedding.
He hasn't bothered to roll up his khaki pants, which are soaked to the knees.
But as Asia's economy starts to pick up steam, Macau looks to be on another roll.
roll up ones sleeves for Battle clench fists in preparation for fight or hard work.
small terrestrial isopod with a convex segmented body that can roll up into a ball.
Well, how about instead of doing that, we roll up to the gates something they want.
I can only roll up in the narrow and small corner, have ones face covered with tears.
我只能蜷缩在狭小的角落里, 泪流满面。
The teacher confiscate the little moxa paper roll, small YiGang want to stand up and walk.
Brush the plain dough with egg white and place over the chocolate dough, and then roll up.
将纯味面团薄薄扫上蛋清, 铺于巧克力味面团上再卷起来。
Cable reel set up institutions that can be reversed to avoid the broken spring roll reversal.
After a minute, the distant sounds of the motorcycle engines began to roll up the mountainside.
不一会, 原本遥远的摩托引擎声在半山腰响起。
Even thought you are in a hurry, neatly roll up and bind the open bamboo scroll you were reading.
Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains, usually in roll corning mills.
It is illegal to roll a barrel on any street, fines go up according to the contents of the barrel.
The Development Study of the Annealing Furnace with Water Sealing off for Natural Air Copper Roll Up
of edges. Roll up jellyroll style, starting with a short side and peeling foil away while rolling.
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单词 roll up 释义

  • 单词释义:卷起; 卷成圆筒形[球形];到达; 出现  [更多..]



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