单词 roll up 例句大全,用单词roll up造句:

He demonstrated a head over heels roll which landed him up against the marble steps of the hotel foyer.
Place a few slices of duck, pieces of scallion and a teaspoon of jam on the pancakes, and roll it up to eat
If, instead, you hype up the danger while offering an easy solution, your audience will roll over obediently.
回头想想, 他们是这个世界上仅剩的100个不用这个短语的人。
The author brought up energy saving mechanism of tube roll mill by theoretical deduction and experimental analysis.
One of our favorite things to do as children was to roll snowballs down hills to see how much speed they could pick up.
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单词 roll up 释义

  • 单词释义:卷起; 卷成圆筒形[球形];到达; 出现  [更多..]



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