单词 search area 例句大全,用单词search area造句:

Please input the keywords then choose search area.
先输入搜寻关键字, 然后选择搜寻范围。
As the human search gradually mature, have expanded the search area.
随着人肉搜索逐渐成熟, 搜索范围也扩大了。
Generally, in a car, the police may search the area under and around the front seat.
若搜查汽车内, 警察一般会搜查汽车前座下方及其四周。
Search planes are flying over an area where a Kenya Airways flight may have crashed early this morning.
What I want out of each and everyone of you is a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in that area.
大家逐屋逐户去搜查, 加油站, 民宅, 仓。
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