单词 second industry 例句大全,用单词second industry造句:

The second is the oil and coal industry.
The automobile industry seems to have gotten a second wind.
Mining is now the second most dangerous industry in the world.
Second to agriculture, humbug is the biggest industry of our age.
除了农业外, 谎言是我们这个年代最大的产业。
The second change is that the industry is offering tastier carrots.
This revolutionized the electronics industry for the second time in two decades.
Opening up the second industry of mines and developing green circulating economy
开辟矿山第二产业, 发展绿色循环经济
In terms of the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest swiss industry in.
就雇佣的人来说, 旅馆业是瑞士的第二大产业。
The second chapter argued the China credit industry and discussed the problem of the credit system.
Relying on secondary industry, achieving the second and tertiary industries in the coordination of development.
Second part carries on the systematic introduction on the rules and regulations system of Travel agency industry in China.
Study of the second mineral admixture of concrete and thought on the development of mineral admixture industry by cement plant
With the rapid development of convention and exhibition industry and the increasing passenger flow, Pazhou international CE center has become the second in the world.
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