单词 securities issue 例句大全,用单词securities issue造句:

Today, Everbright Securities will determine the final issue price.
Chinese entrepreneurs to enhance income securities investment funds issue on the 24 th.
If a company issues new securities, the underwriter's commission is not calculated in the issue price.
Our high concerned about the security issue embodies the significance of the securities and protection.
Issue different kinds of financial products, carry on innovation of the marketable securities, etc. actively.
These days promote May transform the debenture issue new stipulation, the negotiable securities prompt sale new means.
这几天推出的可转换债券发行新规定, 证券期货交易新办法。
Should be in the requirements of the Securities and Futures Commission, Everbright Securities for an explanation of the pricing issue.
应中证监的要求, 光大证券对发行定价进行了解释。
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