单词 Sept. 例句大全,用单词Sept.造句:

Habitat and Ecology In forest. Flowering Mar. Apr. fruiting Jul. Sept.
They might have even been born to two Kinfolk parents far from a sept.
The remembrance was to mark the fifth anniversary of the attacks of Sept.
做记号打分数, 这里是纪念之意。
Johnson, H.T.Its time to stop overselling ABC, Management Accounting , Sept.
樱井通晴。企业环境的变化和管理会计。同文馆, 1991。
In accordance with this plan,we shall look for the first payment on Sept. 1.
In the Sept. 18, Koo Kien Keat and Tan Boon Heong to celebrate his birthday.
在刚刚过去的9月18日, 陈文宏与古健杰一同庆祝了自己的生日。
Please extend your lc shipment to sept , 10th and negotiation to sept. 25th.
请将信用证装船期延至9月10日, 并将议付期延至9月25日。
We are in receipt of your letter dated Sept. 18 th covering groundnut kernels.
Ca fait donc cinq cent un millions six cent vingtdeux mille sept cent trente et un.
The research will be published in the Sept. 6 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Crowds gather to commemorate the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center Sept.11.
On Qualities of the Party from the Correction of the Letter in Feb. By the Letter in Sept.
Limitation and Measurement of Fuelconsumption for Operational Trucks be Effective in Sept.
The last cases of cantaloupes were shipped Sept. 10, and its shelf life is about two weeks.
最后一批哈密瓜在9月10日被运走, 其上架时间约为两周。
Habitat and ecology In thin thickets on slopes and on margin of forest. Flowering Aug. Sept.
I ve already bought tickets for the23rd Sept show. Feeling excited! Anyone else here is going
He became ill in Sept. 1960, with gradually increasing fatigue, general malaise and loss of weight.
他在1960年9月生了病疲劳渐渐加重, 周身不适, 并且体重减轻。
On Sept 26th, 2005, Spring was invited to attend the mescal party held by Mexico Consulate Shanghai.
Please extend the time of shipment and validity of letter of credit to5th Sept.,20th Sept. respectively.
Please extend the time of shipment and validity of letter of credit to5th Sept., 20th Sept. respectively.
Yuen Chee Ling, Malaysia Haka Artists and Art Proporty, presented at Ipoh Hotel organized by Malaysia Haka Association, Xiao En Cultural Endowment, University of Europe Asia, Sept 21, 2006.

单词 Sept. 释义

  • 单词释义:septem (Latin=seven)(拉丁语)七,七个  [更多..]



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