单词 selling point 例句大全,用单词selling point造句:

The first selling point or relative top
The selling point of this car is its durability.
The cheap price is the selling point of this car.
Set good parameters, then it is to find a selling point.
设定好参数后, 便是寻找卖点。
The operation facility of the iPod is its major selling point.
My unique selling point is that I have no fashionable theories.
At one point,we actually talked about selling the house and moving.
The selling price of the flat is four point two million HK dollars.
To think of selling Chelsea FC at this point of time is downright imprudent.
Carola is the selling point of the atmosphere, is a magic weapon tested in China.
大气是卡罗拉的卖点, 也是在国内屡试不爽的法宝。
The point is, though, that she was selling tidbits to raise money for her passion.
关键是, 她正在卖小食品来为她的信仰筹钱。
In the end, the thongs only unique selling point is its supposed erotic qualities.
最后, 丁字裤的唯一卖点是所谓的色情特点。
KEIKO FUJIMORIS unique selling point in Perus presidential election is her surname.
Nevertheless, she said the real selling point for mixed signal chips is integration.
The real selling point for bachelors Single women outnumber themen by about a million!
Selling point 1 interior,refined decoration,all furniture,appliances have,and very beautiful!
To your company point of view, what are competitive selling points among the drives suppliers ?
在贵公司看来, 目前各厂商的竞争热点有哪些?
Globalisation, however, is not an unique selling point any more, as other universities are catching up.
不过, 随着其它大学正迎头赶上, 全球化已不再是其唯一卖点。
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单词 selling point 释义

  • 单词释义:(有助于推销的)货品的特点或优点  [更多..]



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