单词 plugged 例句大全,用单词plugged造句:

Foot valve does not open or plugged. Excessive resistance of suction pipe, too high suction...
底阀没有打开或淤塞, 吸水管阻力太大, 吸水高度太高。
Have tooling check the vacuum holes to ensure that they are not plugged and are routed correctly.
维护和检查真空孔, 保证它们不堵塞和连接通畅。
There is a small hole in the base of the iron bottle, which needs to be plugged with molten metal.
这个铁壶需要锢漏, 因为底座有一个小孔。
Complex sample matrix or many samples analyzed likely column contamination or partially plugged frit.
Please ensure that the tuner hardware is either plugged in, installed, and has a valid driver installed.
请确保调谐器硬件已连接, 安装且已安装了有效的驱动程序。
This is an area of significant importance if loopholes attributable to capacity issues are to be plugged.
Your cell phone charger is still using a residual amount of electricity when it is plugged into the wall.
A desktop computer is almost always plugged into a wall socket and might consume 50 watts of electricity.
台式电脑几乎总是插进墙上的插座, 需消耗50瓦特的点。
I used falloffs, where each one was mapped with a mix map and plugged eventually into the diffuse channel.
用到了衰减, 在漫反射通道里每个都使用了混合贴图。
Two supporting rods are plugged into the wing connecting seats and respectively connected to both sides of the wing.
机翼连接座上插装有撑杆, 机翼两侧分别与二个撑杆相接。
It's not unusual to see scenes like this one at a Tokyo restaurant: a dozen people sit down to dinner, each with a sleek notebook computer plugged into a cell phone.

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