单词 Planets 例句大全,用单词Planets造句:

We do know a lot about the planets, however, from the science of astronomy.
The ancients believed the planets were playing out a silent celestial song.
Astronomers reevaluation of the nature of planets has deep historical roots.
But many of the planets current pop stars are clearly made of sterner stuff.
Many planets here signify a person whose life can be characterized by change.
Maybe it was the time of day, the alignment of the planets, or who knows what.
也许是行星排列的时间, 或者是其他什么东西。
Research on Precise Apparent Position Calculation for Navigation Using Planets
The planets heated gases would have then expanded, causing the world to bloat.
这个星球上的热气体会随之扩大, 最后导致世界的膨胀。
To water your planets, you tilt the controller downwards as you would a bucket.
要给庄稼浇水, 你要向下倾斜手柄就像你拿着一个水桶一样。
We are looking for planets and finding a few big planets in the habitable zone.
There are small planets, there are bigger planets, there are big planets, okay.
The first deep space flights reveal numerous planets capable of supporting life.
首次深度空间飞行, 众人方知天外有天, 人外有人。
The various planets in a person's chart lie at particular angles to one another.
每一宫代表一组性格, 受特定行星和其他因素的影响。
Consequently, there is a strong possibility that life can arise on other planets.
Each of the four giant planets rules over a sizable brood of orbiting satellites.
Poseida was the planets most potent vortex portal complex at the time of Atlantis.
Together these planets will help your creativity to blossom in a quite unique way.
The zodiac is the band around the sky where the sun, moon and planets move through.
黄道是天穹中太阳, 月亮和行星运行的轨迹带。
I cannot see all your planets in your natal chart, so we have to proceed carefully.
我不能看到你星盘的全部行星, 所以我必须小心预测。
Some planets may be carrying intelligent beings, perhaps more advanced than we are.
有些行星上可能载着有智慧的生命, 说不定比我们更高级呢。
Astrologers use the position of the planets within the zodiac to predict the future.
Correlation between spin angular momentums and background angular momentums of planets
Look, take the argument of the planets, the Morning Star and the Evening Star example.
Astronomers have studied the planets and other objects in space for thousands of years.
Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and billions of planets.

单词 Planets 释义

  • 单词释义:行星( planet的名词复数 );地球(尤指环境)  [更多..]



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