单词 Planets 例句大全,用单词Planets造句:

Human behavior is much more complicated than the behavior of atoms, liquids, or planets.
The afterlife planes, as represented by the planets, are old dwelling places of the soul.
It was at the top of the food chain the planets oceans and greatly admired by Clan Sea Fox.
它处在星球海洋食物链的顶端, 极受海狐氏崇拜。
Each color has a special significance in attracting, or repelling, the power of the planets.
And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth.
The telescopes and spacecraft of today have cleared up many of the mysteries of the planets.
Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such.
And when it comes to planets and their distances, this clearly is the right kind of reasoning.
According to Bodes law, there is a hidden pattern in the spacing of the orbits of the planets.
Planet Finder An applet that shows the locations of the sun, moon, stars, and planets in the sky.
一个显示太阳, 月亮, 星星和天上其他行星的程序。
astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust.
The planets line up in their artificially symmetrical and perfectly spaced orbits except for Pluto.
Astronomy studies the motions and natures of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars and galaxies.
These planets will increase your charisma and see to it that your friends take special care of you.
他们将提升你的魅力, 你的朋友们将特别照顾你。
Asteroid belts can be thought of as construction sites that accompany the building of rocky planets.
Such spectra will allow him to address questions about planets atmospheres, physics and thermochemistry.
However, with so many planets moving through earth signs, every Taurus will have something to celebrate.
而且, 由于这么多的行星来到, 每一个金牛都会有好事庆祝啊!
The device could protect long wavelength from being absorbed by the outermost layers of the planets atmosphere.
Secondly, the existence of the super massive Jupiter did affect the formation and development of other planets.
BOB DOUGHTY The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter studied many mountain slopes across the planets southern hemisphere.
Whats more, the pointy edges of the cube would actually poke through the planets atmosphere like titanic mountains.
而且, 立方体世界尖尖的边缘会像高山一样刺穿大气层。
The formation of the satellite systems of the giant planets parallels in many respects the formation of the planets.
Fortunate planets going to conjunction or aspect of one of the infortunes, in any figure, diminish their evil influence.
Planets in aspect to the composite ascendant show active and obvious energies that the couple faces in their daytodayinterac tions.
When astronauts or robot craft finally start bringing home rocks from other planets, those specimens can be compared with Cady's for the tiny thumbprint of life both may contain.

单词 Planets 释义

  • 单词释义:行星( planet的名词复数 );地球(尤指环境)  [更多..]



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