单词 PLANS 例句大全,用单词PLANS造句:

The opposition accused him of harbouring secret plans to take the country to war.
反对党指责他心怀叵测, 图谋要将国家拖入战争。
The company plans to dock the officers' pay and is threatening disciplinary action.
And then according to their actual situation line with their own plans for the base.
The two plans are mutually exclusive, ie If you accept one you must reject the other.
All countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparation plans, she said.
她说, 所有国家都应该立即启动应对流感大流行的预案。
Governments need to be acutely aware of this as they calibrate their austerity plans.
在设定紧缩方案时, 政府需要对此有清醒认识。
Abu Dhabi announced on Tuesday that it plans to create the worlds first Smurf Village.
They also promised to invoke contingency plans to accommodate more according to Mr Lee.
李卓人表示, 警方承诺若然与会人数众多, 会采取应变措施。
Pizer added that there were also plans to extend the use of carbon footprint labelling.
皮泽说, 此外, 还计划扩大使用碳足迹标签。
The university plans to more than double its students by building an additional campus.
The canadian government scrapped plans to tax the grants to aboriginal college students.
The acupuncture can be used on bream and the company plans to begin testing it on salmon.
针灸可以用在鲷鱼, 这家公司计画开始在鲑鱼上测试。
And austerity plans may not be achievable without ripping vital public services to shreds.
倘若公共服务不瘦身, 那么紧缩计划也许会成为空中楼阁。
Our factory plans first to achieve semiautomation and then proceed to complete automation.
我们工厂准备首先实现半自动化, 进而实现完全自动化。
The withdrawal of the subsidy dealt a bodyblow to the clubs plans for larger accommodation.
Additional copies of the layout drawings and the detailed plans may be required by the Director.
Will I be able to fulfill my academic requirements for my school at home and for any future plans
我是否能完成原学校的学业要求, 并为未来做打算?
Arrange electric inspection plans in accordance with the overhaul and maintenance plans of plants.
His ear vestibules have been aching these days, so he plans to go to the hospital when he has a holiday.
We also need to implement employee stock ownership plans and stock options plans actively and stability.
The Prosecutor plans to transfer to national jurisdictions up to five of those accused who are currently in detention.
Emergency evacuation plans are also required in writing and posted. Written fire prevention plans must also be available.
还必需书写并张贴疏散计划, 必须提供书面防火计划。
Do not underestimate what we have accomplished so far. The best of plans must have a solid foundation before execution can commence.
太阳刚从地平线上升起, 他就起床劳动去了。
Air Supply Plans Comparison of Centralized Fresh Air Handling and Floor by Floor Air Handling in the AC Engineering of Office Building or Hotel
Freeserve, which has about 2 million registered users for its access products, already claims 140,000 users for the two flat-rate plans it has launched since April.

单词 PLANS 释义

  • 单词释义:Position Location and Navigation Symposium 位置测定与导航研讨会;定位与导航研讨会;position location and navigation system 位置测定与导航系统;Programming Language for Allocation and Network Scheduling (NASA) 分配与网络计划程序编制语言(美国国家航空航天局)  [更多..]



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