单词 play up 例句大全,用单词play up造句:

In football, the players who play up front get the most goals.
在足球比赛中, 打前锋位置的人得分最多。
To sum up, childhood is a time for children to play as they wish.
The card that is face up on the deck is always available for play.
She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
The new play has been very popular, you have to book up well ahead.
这出新戏很叫座, 你必须及早预定座位。
Doctor bate, stand up play a boy, raise one's hand is about to hit.
医生大怒, 站起来拉住小伙子, 举手就要打。
She tried to plays down his part in the affair and play up her own.
她试图贬低他在这件事情中的作用, 夸大她自己的作用。
Round up a group of colleagues to drink scotch and play Guitar Hero.
一群同事聚集到一块, 喝苏格兰威士忌并弹吉他。
He reached up and caught the baseball for the final play of the game.
She tried to go play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
When I grew up, my father and mother dare not allow me to play outside.
Debra arranges the play dates, but then I go and pick her up sometimes.
After bat has been spread entirely, be about to go up play crural line.
The kid drink up a whole big carton of juice after play in the hot sun.
It is groundless that some attempt to play up and politicize the issue.
Use music. Play a CD with a marching song on it or make one up yourself.
想起音乐, 你播放着一手行进曲, 就连自己也开始编导了。
The children were eager to play after being cooped up in school all day.
My speciallong is up internet, sales, play power move game and beat word.
Occasionally they slap the water with their tails or churn it up in play.
Go tell Pork to hitch up the carriage and take you over to play with Beau.
去告诉波克, 让他套车送你到那边跟? ? ? ? 玩去。
But I took a deep breath, and I signed up to play, and I felt pretty good.
我深吸一口气,在表演报名单上签了名 当时感觉还不错
Closeup. Drop it! Bottle it! Dont play possum! Make it up! Watch you mouth.
The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.
This work is dedicated toto play underneath the table and refuse to grow up.
Step up to the board and play the classic game of darts on your mobile phone.
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单词 play up 释义

  • 单词释义:努力; 积极地比赛;夸大;为…做广告  [更多..]



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