单词 play along with 例句大全,用单词play along with造句:

I decided to play along with her idea.
He went to play outside along with a few friends.
He agreed to play along with them for the time being.
Plus, you can play along with examples on the bonus CD!
He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment.
Two polar bear cubs play with rubbish along the Barter Island shore.
I ran along the bench and banged the keys with a stick to play a tune.
我沿着长凳跑, 用棍子敲键盘弹奏出一首曲子。
Now, Jane Goodall has here a play face along with one of her favorite chimps.
Sometimes they would play along with us and to be scared by some ghost or witch.
有时候他们会跟我们一起玩, 假装被鬼或者女巫吓着了。
Together with her play and seek, together with mutual help, along with each other.
跟她一起玩, 捉迷藏, 一起互帮互助, 一起取长补短。
My mother has learnt to play along with the bizarre conversations begun by father.
I dont know what he wants, but lets play along with him. B Isnt it a little bit risky
我不知道他要干什么, 可我们不妨与他合作看看。
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单词 play along with 释义



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