单词 play back 例句大全,用单词play back造句:

Users can also play back recorded and archived video on the device.
Click play on the Time Slider playback controls play back the clip.
There's nothing holding us back, except our own mentality about play.
除了我们对玩耍的偏见 没有什么能够阻止我们
It allows administrators to record and play back suspicious incidents.
有了它, 管理者可以记录可疑事件并进行回放。
Click play on the Timeslider playback controls to play back the animation.
单击时间标尺播放按钮, 播放动画。
I thought, well, I'm gonna go back to England anda radio play if I'm lucky.
我想, 唔, 如果我够幸运的话, 就会回到英格兰演演电台戏剧。
Say nice things to a person's face, but play devil with him behind his back.
Of course, back then, the only thing I had to play with was my rubber ducky.
因为当时 我只有橡皮鸭可玩。
Click play on the Time Slider's playback control to play back the animation.
All the kids like him, often play downstairs, come back with mud in the pant.
The lights dimmed, the curtain went up, and we settled back to enjoy the play.
So we must observe ear plug and play back the return time, the better the quality.
所以必须观察耳塞的回弹速度, 回弹时间越长则质量越好。
There was a small branch in back of the building where my friends and I would play.
房子后面有一条小溪, 我和朋友们常去那儿玩。
Shin-soo Choo is expected to be back from injury soon. Can’t wait to see him play!
But on Sunday afternoons, Dad would sit back in his recliner and ask me to play for him.
但在星期天下午, 父亲会靠在他的躺椅上, 让我为他演奏。
The team will have to play much better if they want to get back into the first division.
Exit the smother play, and you are back again with the situation you faced in real life.
从窒息打法里跳出来, 你还是要再次面对实际的困境。
Play tennis too hard, on your knees, ruin your cartilage, the cartilage never comes back.
过度打网球会损害膝盖的软骨 你的软骨永远不再复原。
I am a defender who usually plays at left back but can play anywhere along the back line.
After double festal holiday, and last weekend, I should take back my heart which love play.
历经一个双节长假, 又度过了一个周末, 该收心回来啦。
Diplegs play an important role as pressure seals against the considerable back pressure generated.
I would start with the black, play with the white, back to the black trying to trick the other side.
我先走黑子,然后走白子 然后再走黑子,试图和白子对弈
The vocals, of Nick Cave, for instance play nicely with the back up instruments in The Boatman's Call.
When I play back the text, please listen carefully to see whether there are any mispronunciations in it.
Ball patterns are printed on the back of each page. Just crumble up the paper and play your favorite game.
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单词 play back 释义

  • 单词释义:把…打回给对方;后退一步接球;播放; 重播  [更多..]



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