单词 play down 例句大全,用单词play down造句:

They have consistently tried to play down his part in the scheme.
She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
She tried to plays down his part in the affair and play up her own.
她试图贬低他在这件事情中的作用, 夸大她自己的作用。
Taylor, the capitalist, used to play down to most of his employees.
Is play down house property holding tax to confuse right and wrong ?
The negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game.
She tried to go play down his part in the affair and play up her own.
The play was in 1787, after Taylor helped to put down Shays rebellion.
Gobang Terminator is a Gobang the game, nothing to play down the play.
五子棋终结者, 是个五子棋的小游戏, 没事就下来玩了玩。
The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair.
The prospectus certainly does not play down the risks of this exercise.
All in all this all comes down to your personal reference and play style.
Super fun of the game, but advised people not to the low IQ to play down!
I cannot conceive of anybody writing a play by sitting down and mapping it out.
If I just put the microphone down for a bit, I'm going to play a cluster of notes.
请让我把麦克风放下一会儿 我将要弹奏一串音符
When the play is over, and the curtain comes down, we can walk out of the theatre.
Then the elf sat down on a rock at the edge of the sea and began to play the harp.
Though several critics have tried to write down the play, it is still very popular.
No matter how perfect the play may be, the curtain is sure to come down eventually.
There are two little stars That play bopeep With two little fish Far down in the deep
有两颗小星星, 他们玩躲猫猫和两条小鱼儿远在深海里
Still have, the dust of the sky wants to play down, otherwise accumulating more more many.
When you play bowls, the object is to knock down as many of the ten wooden pins as possible.
Many folks down play his forwardness and horn blowing ways, but he always seems to be on top.
And typically that has meant retiring to the easy chair, or going down to Arizona to play golf.
这就意味着 退到安乐椅上 或者去亚利桑那州打高尔夫。
They look down upon the stage platform, thinks dirty, and disorder, has destructiveness the play.
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单词 play down 释义

  • 单词释义:轻描淡写; 故意缩小…的重要性;和善地对待; 放低身价  [更多..]



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