单词 play against 例句大全,用单词play against造句:

Anyone who doesn't play ball is laughed at for daring take a stand against current opinion.
However, he was unable to play in the deciding game against Mallorca due to a hamstring tear.
然而由于腿伤, 他在对马约卡的关键比赛中无法上场。
The materials used paper to play against the same feature of the paper, and vertical stripes.
Erin surprised her husband with tickets to see the Brothers baseball team play against the Lions.
艾琳给她先生一个惊喜, 给他兄弟棒球队迎战统一狮的票。
Diplegs play an important role as pressure seals against the considerable back pressure generated.
However, Ivan Helguera was injured when winning the penalty against Genk and wont play. Pavon comes in.
The Authentication of the Shadow Play about Officers against Window Paper in Xiaoyi, Shanxi, in Ming Dynasty
Steven Gerrard will not return from injury on Saturday, but could be fit to play against Fulham next weekend.
This doesnt bode well for Peter, who is about to play in the final against cocky American superstar Jake Hammond.
彼得与莉丝在球场碰上, 迅即擦出恋火。
Because the precaution education can play a unique role in nipping an evil in the bud and providing against possible trouble.
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单词 play against 释义



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