单词 play about 例句大全,用单词play about造句:

Guess what style of play I'm about to drag through the proverbial mud ?
When he was about seven years old, Duke Ellington began to play the piano.
How about going to see an opera with me, or maybe you would rather see a play?
The dissertation was entitled, modestly, 'remarks about a play by Shakespeare'.
They also had questions about how well Scola would play alongside to Tim Duncan.
But how about the kid on the left, or the athlete that leaves the field of play?
Dr Gilbert Oh on the contrary. Now, how about sport You play any games, dont you.
The team refused to play, to show their discontent about the bias of the referees.
Talking about your fantasies with your partner is a very conducive form of sex play.
He tight lipped when asked about Artest constantly yammering in his ear whenever they play.
He was not at all depressed, that we could see, about the ability to play in the World Cup.
In the afternoon have about one hour for sports. We play basketball, volleyball or football.
He made great play about the fact that computers could do the job in a fraction of the time.
他过分夸大这一事实, 即计算机瞬间就可做完这一工作。
Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play.
作为自闭症患者 我需要学习如何在玩耍中跟别人相处
Because, In kindergarten, it's only about play at the elementary school, it is about studying.
因为, 幼儿园是玩为主的, 小学是学为主的。
The Commission for Social Development should play a role in sounding the alarm about this issue.
社会发展委员会应发挥作用, 对此问题敲起警钟。
I play the English version of this game, so I know more about the names of the items in English.
Did you know about him in France when you were playing there, before you came to play in England
The thing I like about bonzi, besides the other scoring option, is that he can actually play defense.
After work, she loves to play video games, and she's about to embark on an equestrian therapy program.
We agree with you about how an Assassination rogue should play setting up a kill and then delivering it.
I just finished an article about my impressions of the play and have mailed it to the periodical office.
The children will then play a fun Egyptian game while learning about famous Egyptian Gods and Goddesses !
Several sections of this global cabal are extremely worried about how their coming collapse is to play out.
The Authentication of the Shadow Play about Officers against Window Paper in Xiaoyi, Shanxi, in Ming Dynasty
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