单词 play day 例句大全,用单词play day造句:

One day, I clench his ear to play to sayI want to buy Mr. Zi, be like you so big of Mr. Zi!
有一天, 我揪他耳朵玩说我要买个公仔嘛, 像你那么大的公仔!
These children of wealthy families play all day long, they have neither learning nor ability.
Players from both teams were quite active that day, the play was marked by fierce competition.
So revelers in new york, out to play and eat, are celebrating the first day of the lunar new year.
Every day after school, Xiaozhang would go to the video game room and play video games for 2 hours.
A plait hundreds of years, close a door to build a car to play, ascend country a day a dynasty greatness.
一条辫子数百年, 关着门造着车玩, 上国天朝何伟大。
I came to play rock'n'roll for you East Berliners in the hope that one day all the barriers will be torn down. '
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