单词 play field 例句大全,用单词play field造句:

The duets play songs of love that help to sustain the love of the Tao in earth's field.
The batter swings his bat, launching the ball over the fence and out of the field of play.
击球手挥舞球棒, 将球打过野护栏出界。
Discotic liquid crystal molecules play very important role in academical research field recently.
After finishing, Zhihan side of the field excited to play roller coaster feeling that the stimulus.
stretcherbearers should only enter the field of play with a stretcher following a signal from the referee.
裁判员给出信号后, 担架手才可抬担架进入场地内。
Application of Defensive Form of Pressure Passing and Tackle on the Up field and Center Field of Play Soccer
I was carried off the field and Brazil went on to play with ten men, and to end up eliminated from the tournament.
After a short break to find the next eswc the playing field, we decided tomorrow to find tod said that Paris could play games of the Internet cafes.
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单词 play field 释义



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