单词 play game with 例句大全,用单词play game with造句:

Our strategy was to play defensively for most of the game, with sudden attacking bursts.
我们得策略是比赛时以守为主, 并随时发起突袭。
He is a dab hand at the game. Now he can play a drinking game with everyone at his table.
And yellow widowers of autumn, which have no songs, sit there and play game, with a sign.
Let play on the family handset namely the enemy which establishes with the game to the war.
Play with some of the game's greatest legends and outfit your squad in exclusive team apparel.
The game is implemented with accounting and transactional systems to enable play for real money.
Play a round under Par in a Traditional or Online game mode with a Driver, SW, 5 Iron and Putter.
任何一局比赛只用球道木, 沙坑杆, 5号铁和推杆完成
To play with video game machine is always like a novelty. You may make companions of it at your leisure time and never tire of it.
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单词 play game with 释义



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