单词 practical effect 例句大全,用单词practical effect造句:

Effect of two practical preservation medium on the avulsed teeth
It proved that this approach has a favorable effect in practical applications.
But the practical effect of the managerial power of state enterprise is unsatisfactory.
We find the main reasons that effect lacquer quality by analysing practical experiments.
通过实例分析, 找出影响浸漆质量得主要原因。
The results show the combined roof trusses has a practical support effect in coal roadway.
With the effect of wind to fly, skills cooling time is relatively short, very practical Oh.
并带有吹飞效果, 技能冷却时间也比较短, 非常实用哦。
The Practical Criteria Depending on Relativistic Effect in Calculating De Broglie Wave Length
Practical effect of the electronic teaching material in the speed skating teaching in the university
On the Actual Effect and Practical Function of Public Relation in Colleges Students'Choice of Careers
The experimental result indicates that this furnace has high burning efficiency and good practical effect.
The practical application indicated the high accuracy magnetic survey has obtained good effect in this work.
But it is above all in practical terms that the emphasis placed on the six core instruments has a perverse effect.
但首先是从实际角度来说, 强调六项核心文书有悖常情。
The European Unions drive to end the use of energywasting incandescent light bulbs will take practical effect next week.
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