单词 pop out 例句大全,用单词pop out造句:

Champagne bottle depletes and more pop out from the freezer.
Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put a decent pop record!
Take a pin out and pop the balloon and see what size they really are.
拿钉子去刺汽球, 就看到他们真实的尺寸。
Cut out that longhair Mozart Symphony and put on a decent pop record!
The ground was loaned out for numerous events including pop concerts.
场地被借用来搞过无数活动, 包括流行音乐会。
Cup holders for front seats pop out, cup holders for rear seats fixed
前排活动, 后排固定杯托。国产有
Experience have shown that ideas pop and out when there is time to breath.
The clean and dark background makes the helmet really pop out of the frame.
The moment he got out of the airport, the pop star was surrounded by his fans.
这位著名的歌星一出飞机场, 就被歌迷围了起来。
Will your eyes pop out of your head if you keep your eyes open during a sneeze
如果你打喷嚏时保持双眼睁着, 你的眼珠子会弹出来吗?
If you think i can pull some strings to keep you out of gen pop. I cant do that.
如果你以为我能让你不关禁闭, 那么你错了
One day he bursted out a whim collect a pop can, earned only a fraction of money.
有一天他突发奇想收一个易拉罐, 才赚几分钱。
Black is the ultimate dark color and makes lighter colors as yellow really pop out.
Miss Pao flushed crimson and her big eyes seemed about to pop out of their sockets.
Also, find out more about foreign pop stars on 10 th Anniversary Superstar Showcases.
A dolphin can pop its head out of the water to see something. This is called spyhopping.
She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a light soprano.
她能够唱出现代流行歌曲, 但也能转变成清新女高音。
Bursts of positive energy will pop out of nowhere to remind you of your more important purpose.
Pop science loves to trot out research on rodents to confirm or challenge behavioral assumptions.
The leaflet said that an indie-rock band was going to play last night, but it turned out to be merely pop music.
If you revisit the pop songs of the time, you will understand why it is possible to work out the lyric before composing the melody.
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