单词 power house 例句大全,用单词power house造句:

Application of high range soundless cracking agent to construction of power house for Zhikong Hydropower Station
Today, I learned that when the power goes out at my house, my family thinks you can no longer flush the toilet.
Power Source Demonstration on Middle Boosting Pump House for Reclaimed Wastewater Use Project in Kangping Power Plant
Application of Control System to Portal Crane on Dam Crest of Power House on Inner River of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex
The fire fighting facilities for the main mechanical and electrical equipment of underground power house in Ertan Hydropower Station
The Excavation and Construction Technique of Crane Girders Anchored to Rock Face of the Underground Power House of the Laxiwa Hydropower Station
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单词 power house 释义

  • 单词释义:发电厂,动力室,<口>精力充沛的人  [更多..]



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