单词 parameterized 例句大全,用单词parameterized造句:

A comprehensive parameterized model of microphysical processes in stratiform clouds is presented.
Therefore, itis necessary, with the idea of parameterized finite element analysis forthe blade root.
因此, 借助参数化思想对叶根进行有限元分析是十分必要的。
In this paper, the surface is presented with a parameterized equation or a signed distance function.
The canonical example of dependent types is that of an array type parameterized by the size of the array.
The successful predictions clearly indicate the extensive validity of our parameterized quark propagator.
Research and Development of Modular Parameterized Design and Finite Element Analysis System on Gantry Crane
The parameter index supplied to the parameterized Command object is out of range in the extended stored procedure.
在扩展存储过程中, 提供给参数化命令对象的参数索引越界。
Comparison of the slant wet delay of GNSS signal between parameterized model and numeric weather model calculations
Research on the Structure Design and Parameterized Software Development of the Elevated Platform Firefighting Truck
Taken into consideration this practical application, a novel method for parameterized mannequin modeling was proposed.
A certain ball mill serving as the example, the paper narrates the general process of the finite element parameterized modeling.
以某球磨机为例, 阐述了有限元参数化建模的一般步骤。
Study on the Chosen Parameterized Schemes of Cumulus Convection and the Test of their Simulated Effects in the ShortTerm Climate.

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