单词 pass along 例句大全,用单词pass along造句:

The shadow crawls along to pass by slowly from our bodies.
A cork, bobbing on water as waves pass by, is not swept along with the water.
当水波经过时, 在水面上下浮动的软木不会随水漂走。
A cork, bobbling in water as waves pass by, is not swept along with the water.
当波浪通过时, 在水中上下波动的软木块不会随水冲走。
You then pass these methods to the parser, along with a document to be parsed.
The torch relay will pass along the boulevard, as well as the national parliament.
奥运火炬将经过这条大道, 以及澳大利亚议会大厦门前。
amid the sound of camel rings, a team of Persian merchants pass along the Silk Road.
Fill it out and give it to the officer along with our passport, air ticket and boarding pass.
Make sure that you use some of that energy to pass along the kindness and appreciation as well.
Parents should pass along the morals, values and rules they were taught to their next generation.
Qin Lan hasnt come already and see a little monkey, then drive autumn son beginning to answer pass along.
秦岚还没来得及看小猴子, 便被秋子初给接了过去。
They identify the business applications and components that are being integrated along with the BODs used to pass information.
While ghosts of the Six Dynasties pass like a dream Around the Forbidden City, under weeping willows Which loom still for three miles along the misty moat.
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单词 pass along 释义

  • 单词释义:沿…向前走;传送, 传递  [更多..]



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