单词 passed 例句大全,用单词passed造句:

Spring has already passed by,has already wiped the shoulder and left in adolescence.
As they passed by from the aardvark to the zebra Adam was to study them and name them.
As time passed, Taoism was finally adopted by the sovereignties during the early Han period.
According to the rules, this handicraft can only be passed on to the family's own descendants.
I passed on, very thankful that the uproar of the street screened my momentary absentmindedness.
This pedagogy is still being used in actual vocal music teaching, although centuries have passed.
Since abundant Meier and the wave Dorsz basic season has passed does not calculate satisfactorily.
News ReportFamo use Geologist, Educationist and Social Activist Hao Yichun Academician Passed away
More than half a year has passed, the investment fund actually many, effect actually really micro.
大半年过去了, 投入的资金倒不少, 效果却甚微。
The pipe system had passed the acceptance air pressure test performed by the installing contractor.
Acoustic sound of loud reading the book, to a sudden halt, laughing Yin Yin, the moment has passed.
Xiaowang passed the exam and entered the Beijing Film Academy, majoring in film and play performance.
小王考上了北京电影学院, 专门学习影剧表演。
When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny.
当原稿被采用出版时, 便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅。
As the ship advanced through the water the knots were counted as they passed through a seamans hands.
They passed a comprehensive exam, were examined on their practical teaching, and passed a solo audition.
This Code of Practice and its revisions will be implemented after being passed at the Academic Affairs Meeting.
Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions.
He makes cider, passed on from acquaintance to acquaintance, using a travelling press made for him by his father.
他用父亲为他做的便携榨汁机做苹果汁, 送给相识的人。
The sea water also may so art, Passed over gently and swiftly along with the nature also can produce the abstract painting.
Zmiric admitted he had passed through a crisis without cigarettes and the food he had been used to during those six months.
And as the father was administering these instructions, a car drove by, slowly, and just after it passed the father and the teenagers.
What passed between my mistress and me on this occasion was, in the main, a repetition of what had passed between Mr. Franklin and me.
His activities became so widespread that special legislation was passed to make the receiver of stolen goods an accessory to the theft.
Discussion on the achievements of ancient bibliophiles in Suzhou who preserved and passed down the ancient books by copying and transcribing books
This xiucai (a scholar who has passed the imperial examination at the country level in Ming and Qing dynasties) never passed the highest imperial examination.

单词 passed 释义

  • 单词释义:已经通过的;已经过去的;考试及格的;(指红利)未及时发放的  [更多..]



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