单词 passes 例句大全,用单词passes造句:

Imagine, by contrast, an elastic band that passes through the hole in a doughnut.
而相比之下, 试想一下橡皮圈若是与油炸圈饼相扣得话。
After the flue gas passes through the tray, it encounters the absorber spray zone.
As an example, we'll create a signal that passes two float arguments to its slots.
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast the British Isles and warms them.
北大西洋寒流经不列颠群岛西海岸, 使气候变暖。
The school undertakes to assist students with their applications for students'passes.
The finishing passes and bending angel were reasonably distributed during pass design.
在其孔型设计中, 合理地分配了成型道次和弯曲角。
At one time or another, anybody who passes through Times Square sees the Naked Cowboy.
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.
北大西洋暖流流经不列颠群岛西海岸, 生天色变暖。
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.
The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.
I come last month official holiday passes, this month abdomen bilge, be pregnant likely
我上个月来例假过, 这个月肚子胀胀的, 有可能怀孕吗?
Listen again carefully, ah, this seems to be what passes in snoring abundance of means.
再仔细听, 啊, 这鼾声中似乎透出什么绵长的意味。
There are many strategic passes difficult of access on the way, so you must be careful.
Sap passes right through the aphides'bodies, only getting a little thicker and sweeter.
For every one who passes by Babylon will be astonished And will hiss at all her wounds.
A broad band that passes over the back of a horse and supports the shafts of a vehicle.
From the left atrium the blood passes through the bicuspid valve into the right ventricle.
A westward moving airstream will, therefore, move equatorwards as it passes over the barrier.
The iron passes the band to have the telecommunication such to look at movie's place likely ?
Its poetrys between the lines passes one to surpass the average man to be aloof free and easy.
Andy takes knife, passes it to Red. Brooks dissolves into Andy's arms with great heaving sobs.
安迪拿过刀子, 递给瑞德, 布鲁克斯倒在安迪的怀里痛哭起来。
It passes each value that it reads to the predicate function represented by its third argument.
每读出一个元素, 就将它传递给第三个实参表示的谓词函数。
They were given many privileges in exchange for helping to settle and control the alpine passes.
As time passes, music makes our nature glibly enters the tacit agreement that happen to coincide.
久而久之, 音乐使我们自然流畅地进入不约而同的默契。
Rotor passes accurate dynamic balancing test, resulting in low equipment noise and smooth running.

单词 passes 释义

  • 单词释义:走过( pass的第三人称单数 );通过;批准;度过  [更多..]



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