单词 passes 例句大全,用单词passes造句:

Straw passes aerification to furnace issues incomplete combustion in anoxic condition and arise it.
Cold passes includes the double chlorine to extinguish passes, has well allays a fever the function.
If he passes therecheck, the license issuance department shall affix its seal to the originallicense.
The tiny anorexic canal passes directly underneath the apse of the parishs 14th century gothic church.
This method fills the interior of a closed cardinal spline that passes through each point in the array.
What the transformer does it takes some input voltage and passes that through basically a loop of wire.
In case the applicant passes the reexamination, the SARFT shall issue it a TV Play Distribution License.
The mechanical properties of alloys are improved obviously with increasing reciprocating extrusion passes.
After consults predecessor's literature and author passes through the ponder, finally becomes this article.
Such claims must be accompanied by original receipts, bills, vouchers, used ticket stubs and boarding passes.
The administration of a strong electric current that passes through the brain to induce convulsions and coma.
When an electric current passes through the liquid, the crystals align, preventing light from passing through.
The compressed air then passes through the discharge chamber, the trachea enters the wet air drum sufficiently.
压缩空气便经出气室, 气管充入湿储气筒。
Life between heaven and earth is like a white pony's shadow across a crevice. Time passes quickly all of a sudden.
With regard to narrow passes, if you can occupy them first, let them be strongly garrisoned and await the advent of the enemy.
The 37th minute, after Saisi Tucker aids Carlow Grewe passes a ball longrange, the ball is higher than the crossbeam slightly.
第37分钟, 塞斯塔克接应卡洛格鲁传球后远射, 球稍稍高出横梁。
That means that the constellations that made up the Babylonian zodiac are not the constellations the sun currently passes through.
这就意味着, 巴比伦的星座不是太阳当前经过的了。
And running and proved to be better in every facet clever triangulated passes, counterattacks, audacious moves and blistering shots.
The evening passes slowly in the drowsy and overheated atmosphere of the cave, and the guerillas talk ner-vously about death in battle.
Thus, there is a soft moonlight that can give us the peace that passes understanding. There is a moonlight that inspires a kind of awe.
晓月静谧无语, 敬因心通情切。
After the court passes investigation, qualitative card, controversy, the presiding judge announces choose an auspicious day is adjudged.
An affable face, that is always gentle.From vision which in that black side eyeglasses passes, always thatbright bright, then is genial.
从那黑边眼镜中透出的目光, 总是那么炯炯有神, 那么和善。
The backwater inlet passes through a second valve and directly communicates with the concentrated water outlet of the pressure container.
A rotation axle whose two ends are provided with bearings horizontally passes through the middle portion of the vertical surface of the shell body.
Some people use a large bamboo or wicker basket every day or pushing tricycle to walk along a village to string together door, the time passes pretty is moistly.
有些人天天用箩筐或推着三轮车走村串户, 日子过得蛮滋润。

单词 passes 释义

  • 单词释义:走过( pass的第三人称单数 );通过;批准;度过  [更多..]



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