单词 peasant association 例句大全,用单词peasant association造句:

He is appointing peasant association chairman.
Soon afterwards he joined the work of the peasant association.
Secondly, I will explore the constitutional value of the peasant association.
Nothing can be settled unless someone from the peasant association is present.
Soon afterwards he gave up teaching and joined the work of the Hunan Peasant Association.
Even trifles such as a quarrel between husband and wife are brought to the peasant association.
After the history lesson, the teacher led us to look around the former site of a peasant association.
历史课后, 老师带领我们参观了农会旧址。
Where the peasant association is powerful, gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished.
Supreme in authority, the peasant association allows the landlord no say and sweeps away his prestige.
农会权力无上, 不许地主说话, 把地主的威风扫光。
When the peasant association orders the surrender of opium pipes, no one dares to raise the least objection.
农会下命令缴烟枪, 不敢稍违抗不缴。
if there is both a poor peasant league and a peasant association,the two should be merged into one peasant association.
People swarm into the houses of local tyrants and evil gentry who are against the peasant association, slaughter their pigs and consume their grain.
反对农会的土豪劣绅的家里, 一群人涌进去, 杀猪出谷。
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