单词 or else 例句大全,用单词or else造句:

Don't always eat hamburgers for meals, or else you'll get malnourished.
Or else I shall count it as false and we shall have had no love at all.
You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.
The company will increase employee's salary or else compensate in bonus.
Or else regret over losing Les was gnawing at her delicate constitution.
或者, 失去莱以后得悔意正噬咬着她纤弱得躯体。
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards.
I have to pay for it tomorrow or else it is not good for my credit record.
Please add some water to the original liquid, or else it will be too thick.
Snail, snail, Come out of your hole, Or else I'll beat you As black as coal.
You've got to be very careful or else you'll miss the turnoff into our place.
你得非常注意, 否则就会错过到我们这地方来的那条岔道。
The tonic cannot be too greasy, or else it will not easy to digest and absorb.
It is raining. Don't forget to wear a raincoat, or else you will catch a cold.
Just be careful not to overindulge, or else you might just end up in a sugar coma.
We should plant in accordance with the season, or else we can't have a good harvest.
植物必须应季栽种, 否则肯定无法获得丰收。
He has his Winter too of pale disfeature , or else he would forego his mortal nature.
他也有满目苍凉的冬天, 除非他走在命定的时日之前。
This obviously doesn't include Royalty or else the G.C.C. would definitely be up there.
The old habits should be abandoned, or else it is hard to accomplish great achievements.
We must remove those unreasonable costs, or else we won't be able to continue operating.
Planting must be done in accordance with the lunar month, or else you won't harvest anything.
If or else undertakes conformity, next informatization will be Xiamen aerial hard afterwards.
Applicants must provide the information requested or else their applications will not be processed.
申请人必须提供所要求资料, 否则其申请将不获处理。
Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.
若是不能, 就趁敌人还远的时候, 派使者去求和息的条款。
All the appointed articles must be finished before the end of the month, or else they will be too late.
Woman! Cease this detestable boohooing instantly! Or else seek the shelter of some other place of worship!
When it is raining, the windshield wiper must be turned on, or else the rain will affect the driver's vision.
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单词 or else 释义

  • 单词释义:否则,要不然;用以表示威胁;抑或  [更多..]



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