单词 Paddy field 例句大全,用单词Paddy field造句:

The invention is applicable in preventing and removing annual gramineae grassy weeds in a paddy field.
The invention also discloses another paddy field operation system having a bearing bracket with a rail.
本发明还公开一种稻田作业系统, 其具有自带轨的承载架。
Influence of Green Manure Crop on Nitrogen Concentration in Soil Solution of Paddy Field and Rice Yield
Ecological Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer with Split Application on Rice Rhizosphere Microbes in Paddy Field
The effect of split application of nitrogen on N leaching in paddy field with high soil fertility conditions
Study on sustainability of bare area being renewed health paddy field ecosystem on Xuanwu Rock of Jingpo Lake
A look at upland Rice of Dry Farmland Preceding Paddy Rice of Paddy Field through the Rice for Sacrifices to Gods
The dynamic characteristics and modeling of nitrogen in paddy field surface water and nitrogen loss from field drainage
Timely exposing paddy field to sun, controlling ineffecient tillers and strictly controlling application of amount of nitrogen.
Effects of Farmland Shelterbelt Nets on Photosynthesis and Grain Yield of Rice and Paddy Field Microclimate in Northern Jiangsu
Water Saving and High Yielding Irrigation Model on Lowland Paddy Field Study on the Integration Technique of Precision Ground Irrigation
An interplant weeding springtooth flexible shaft driving mechanism of a paddy field weeding machine belongs to the agricultural machinery.
Study on the Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer with Split Application on Variation of Nitrogen in the Surface and Leakage Water of the Paddy Field
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