单词 Palm oil 例句大全,用单词Palm oil造句:

It was said palm oil can help weight loss, so many obese women rushed crazily to buy it.
Among other things, plasticisers were substituted for palm oil as clouding agents in drinks.
Comparison of fatty acid composition, structure and functional properties of palm oil and lard.
And with his right forefinger sprinkle some of the oil from his palm seven times before the LORD.
把左手里的油, 在耶和华面前, 用右手的一个指头弹七次
Changing Rules of the Length and Width and Content of Water in Different Leaf Arrangement of Oil Palm
Light Butyronitrile coated glove with ventilation in back palm position, weaved wrist, and high oil resistance.
So basically the whole process of destruction has gone a bit slower than what is happening now with the oil palm.
基本上这些全部的毁坏过程 已经得到减缓
Palm trees are everywhere but the country is riddled with oil pipelines, snaking down the roadside inches away from homes.
Warm color fastens oil of this kind of fingernail to basically include vermilion, bright red, tangerine, palm red wait for warm red.
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单词 Palm oil 释义

  • 单词释义:棕榈油(可用作食品,肥皂,蜡烛等的制作原料)  [更多..]



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