单词 peptic ulcer 例句大全,用单词peptic ulcer造句:

Analysis of the Psychological Defensive Mechanism and Related Factors in Patients with Peptic Ulcer
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum afflicts more than 10 million citizens of the United states.
胃和十二指肠溃疡病患及1, 000万以上的美国公民。
Clinical Observation on Spraying Micron Rhubarb Charcoal Through Gastroscopy for Hemorrhagic Peptic Ulcer.
Objective To observe the effect of acid inhibitors on children with peptic ulcer complicated with hemorrhage.
Clinical observation on omeprazole combined with thymus protein oral solution in the treatment of peptic ulcer
A control study of the psychological defensive mechanism in patients with peptic ulcer and patients with neurosis
Treating Refractory Peptic Ulcer with Sprinkling Medicine Under Gastroscopy Plus Taking Orally Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Clinical Observation on Treatment of Peptic Ulcer With Spaying the Anti Ulcer Liquid of Enforcing Qi and Promoting Blood Under Endoscope
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