单词 perennial flow 例句大全,用单词perennial flow造句:

Application and Development Prospect of Perennial Flowers in Gardening and Afforestation
Perennial flower bulbs, colourful regular, are good materials of designing plane flower beds.
多年生球根花卉是设计平面花坛的优良材料, 色彩艳丽。
Carnation, is a transliteration of the name of carnation for Caryophyllaceae perennial herbaceous perennial flowers.
康乃馨, 是香石竹的音译名称, 为石竹科多年生宿根草本花卉。
The Construction of an Expert System for Perennial Flower
Features of perennial flowers and their allocations in garden greening
Experimental Research on Regulating the Flowering Stages of Perennial Flowers in Open Field through Trimming
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