单词 pick up 例句大全,用单词pick up造句:

Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me in.
Don't give up. It's time to pick up the pieces and move on to the next challenge.
You can pick up and go anywhere you want, do anything you want, any time you want.
不论何时何地, 你可以从心所欲。
Meg's fiance encourages her to give up her work and pick up what she really likes.
What is she doing Pick up crab or conch No, no, she is picking up oyster from rock.
她在干吗?捡螃蟹或菠螺?不不, 她在礁石上撬海蛎子。
I have to take the next Friday off, because I have to pick up my mom at the airport.
I also will arrange the airport pick up for you on that day to take you to the hotel.
The drug addicts can pick up the notes, directly up the nose with cocaine powder use.
吸毒者能拿起纸币, 直接卷起可卡因粉末用鼻子吸食。
Angels Nobuyoshi, the father of her life will pick up a book of faith, probation evil.
Her album has been getting good reviews. I think I’m gonna have to go pick up a copy.
Fire crews are hoping they can achieve full containment of the fire before the winds pick up.
Its detection system uses acoustics and magnetic readings to pick up enemy ships and submarines.
The sensors pick up the microwaves with an antenna and convert the signal into electrical energy.
As the skis flatten and aim downhill, lighten or pick up the downhill ski it becomes the free foot.
Turn around. Move out of the cage. Go to your left and pick up your clothes and Bible. Next man up!
The platform would rise up and down alongside a skyscraper and pick up people trapped in high stories.
该平台可沿摩天大楼上下移动, 运送高楼受困人员。
Just pick up a tray, put a knife, a fork, a spoon and a paper napkin on it, and then start down the line.
Therefore, knew that oneself cannot take up cannot lay down, then do not pick up easily the recollection.
I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.
What the Australian economy needs is diversified growth in construction, tourism and agriculture to pick up.
Pick up new weapons and fight valiantly alongside and against famous ships and races from the Star Trek Universe.
And if you are looking out for her wellbeing , I suggest you advise her to pick up the injection gun and bring it to me.
如果你为她着想, 我劝你叫她捡起注射枪然后把它给我。
The Loveland post office first adopted Cupid one frosty morning in 1947, when Ted Thompson, a motel owner, went to pick up his mail.
You pick up the weaponsSchool Official Cites Use of syringes! Fog emit drugs to eradicate the bacteria abhorrent! Mouse operation.
Started playing basketball to get back into shape again. We’ve been playing at Yeouido park. If anyone is looking for some 5 on 5 pick-up games, hit me up.
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单词 pick up 释义

  • 单词释义:捡起;接载;学会;逮捕  [更多..]



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