单词 phone up 例句大全,用单词phone up造句:

Grandpa is always impatient when talking on the phone, he hangs up before I finish talking.
Personnel were contacted on their portables and as a back up could be contacted by cell phone.
I feel particularly dazzling, Liu Xing Fanleganjuan, can easily pick up the phone read the time.
Oh, well, you know, her school's up in the mountains and her cell phone reception is kind of funky.
是这样的,学校是在山上 他手机的信号不太好。
Showing up late, wearing inappropriate clothing and answering your cell phone are a few good ways to kill your chances.
迟到, 不符场合的穿着, 接听手机都可以毁掉面试。
Pissed that someone jacked my phone last night! I had to cough up 600,000 won for a new one and had to pay the cancellation fees for my 2-year contract.
If I don’t answer the phone between 8 am and 5 pm, that probably means I’m busy at work. Common sense, people. No need to blow up my phone repeatedly.
Men wanting more illicit companionship use telephone clubs that allow them to select a woman's picture, dial her up from a phone booth and arrange to meet.
About 20 per cent of Finnish households have also given up on using a landline--extraordinary growth from the five per cent who were mobile phone-only users a year ago.
Finally, there's the all-important cell-phone-dinkiness annoyance factor.don't want to do a lot of page views on this thing, says Peterschmidt, holding up his cell phone.
My gf is not only impatient, but insecure. She blows up my phone if I don’t answer her texts right away. 30 missed calls when I checked my phone. Talk about trust issues.
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单词 phone up 释义

  • 单词释义:<英,非正>(给某人)打电话  [更多..]



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