单词 RAFS 例句大全,用单词RAFS造句:

Musharrafs resignation, announced in a national television address Monday, marks a victory for the governing coalition of his political opponents that was preparing to impeach him.
Musharrafs presidency is not being contested in this election, but if opposition parties win a twothirds majority in parliament, they would have enough votes to impeach him.
为了民主, 一个稳定的民主, 一个稳定的巴基斯坦。
Many studies of TRAFs have used models of exogenous overexpression by nonlymphoid cells.
They endorsed economic pragmatism under former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanajani.

单词 RAFS 释义

  • 单词释义:rapid frequency scan laser spectroscopy 快速扫频激光光谱分析法;Royal Air Force Station 皇家空军基地  [更多..]



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