单词 racing car 例句大全,用单词racing car造句:

The cockpit of the drivers seat in a racing car is very small.
A toy airplane, a racing car and a little metal truck appeared next.
然后拿出了一个玩具飞机, 一个跑车和一个小铁卡车。
James Dean loved fast cars, adrenaline, car racing, and bullfighting.
Today, I and the younger sister are playing with the electric racing car.
今天, 我和妹妹在玩电动赛车。
The racing car driver decided to go for broke in the last race of the year.
The youngest brother a miniature racing car fan and a born carpenter and plumber.
Team XRAY is definitely one of the most successful RC car racing teams in the world.
The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis.
一辆赛车的主要主体部分, 引擎和悬挂都安装于其上。
With the durable construction, Ninja Racing Capsule Filter will simply outlive the lifespan of your car.
与耐用建设, 忍者赛车胶囊就比过滤你的车的寿命。
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