单词 race course 例句大全,用单词race course造句:

Top drivers are racing at the race course.
Of course we, as a race, want to cure that.
You had a perfect course on the first beat, race 2.
A movable barrier on the starting line of a race course.
And of course, these transcend age, race, culture, gender.
这些全部不受年龄 种族 文化 性别的限制
I went off course during the boat race and got disqualified.
Shanghai Race Course Constructed Thrice by the Hogg Brothers
Does the course configuration assist with efficient race management
改航线得构成能满足竞赛管理得需要 吗
The ship was blown off course by abnormal weather conditions during the race.
由于天气反常, 那艘船在比赛中被吹离了航线。
Only participants in that event should enter the race course during competition.
比赛进行时, 非该场比赛运动员不得擅自进入赛道。
Turn right after the Race Course Road, browse along the characteristics of small houses in Tianjin.
Two 23-meter yachts race over 20 nautical miles up and down a sausage-shaped course marked out by two buoys.
Until the end of a contest even though the race course was in very bad conditions, all the horses went the distance.
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单词 race course 释义

  • 单词释义:跑马场,赛马场,跑道  [更多..]



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