单词 quit of 例句大全,用单词quit of造句:

Another one of my assistants quit.
Quit Ecstasy with the help of the association
People in that line of work almost never do quit.
Their ideas are quit alien to our way of thinking.
I'd like to quit myself of any blame in this affair.
And like all authors dream of doing, I promptly quit my job.
He did not quit as France's prime minister of his own accord.
Attrition rates are high, as large numbers of soldiers are killed or quit.
由于大量的士兵战死或者退出, 消耗率居高不下。
She quIt'school, and spent day after day watching videos of Andy Lau's concerts.
她就此辍学, 整日观看刘德华演唱会的影碟。
In 2006 Aaron quit his job and turned the basement of his home into a laboratory.
亚伦在二00六年时辞职, 并将住所的地下室改装成实验室,
He announced out of a clear sky that he was going to quit his job and join the army.
To free oneself of an addiction, as to narcotics or cigarettes. You do right to quit smoking.
戒除使自己戒掉恶习, 如吸毒或抽烟你把烟戒掉, 做得对。
In addition to the major shareholder of Newbridge, Newbridge Newman said in no hurry to quit.
He wasn't afraid to start a business, borrow a bunch of money, or quit a well-paying job to travel the world.
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