单词 railings 例句大全,用单词railings造句:

National Style of Decorative Patterns on the Railings of Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan
The railings at the two sides of the bridge are very exquisite and form a unique scene.
Whatll you bet Cecilia took it into her head this very day to paint the stairway railings
Her brother always teased her before he obeyed and I stood by the railings looking at her.
Pavilion set up four doors, four corridors have railings, the bottom of a wooden staircase.
楼阁四面设门, 四周有回廊栏杆, 底层有木制楼梯。
Her brother and two other boys were fighting for their caps, and I was alone at the railings.
她弟弟和另外两个男孩子在争抢帽子, 我独自站在栏杆旁。
Construction and application of underground unsized railings gravitational flow backfill station
Why has there not been a spirited defence of shareholder value or railings against the failures of boards
The exclone captain chuckled quietly to himself as he leaned against the cool railings of the small balcony.
他倚着小阳台凉凉的栏杆, 前任克隆人上尉轻笑自嘲。
The company specializes in production of stainless steel forging door flower, railings, window grilles series.
Through the railings I could see an avenue bordered with poplar trees and also a kind of summer house or pavilion.
Foothills along the Minjiang River Edge build Bulkhead, Wai railings, stacking rocks, planted trees and vegetation.

单词 railings 释义

  • 单词释义:栏杆( railing的名词复数 );由横木做成的篱笆;栅;栅栏  [更多..]



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