单词 shaded 例句大全,用单词shaded造句:

Use shaded skylights to compensate for any resultant loss of natural daylight.
Still, the Doctor, with shaded forehead, beat his foot nervously on the ground.
医生仍然按住前额, 用脚紧张地敲着地板。
All the vales in their manifold windings shaded by the most delightful forests.
Her eyes were shaded by long eyelashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way.
They thrive in damp, shaded areas as tropical woodlands and the edges of swamps.
其生长环境喜阴暗, 潮湿处, 如热带丛林和沼泽边缘。
It'so happened that the parlor door was partly of glass, shaded a silken curtain.
it so happened that the parlor door was partly of glass, shaded a silken curtain.
In Sims 2, theres no shadow on the house AT ALL, just a shaded blob on the ground.
在模拟人生2, 没有影子的房子, 仅仅是一个遮盖斑点在地面上。
Her eyes were shaded by long black eyelashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way.
The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees.
The shaded columns indicate padding that is required to achieve the specified alignment.
A home needs a roof, preferably facing south, that is not shaded by trees or structures.
The Doctor shaded his forehead with his hand, and beat his foot nervously on the ground.
医生用手掩住他的前额, 而且不安地用一只脚顿了一下地面。
Judas wearing black cockscomb had hidden himself in the shaded volutes of an Ionic column.
The ride their will be relaxed meandering through a mix of shaded streets and quiet hutongs.
And the same way the history of representation evolved from line drawings to shaded drawings.
正如艺术表现的历史 是从画线条发展到画阴影。
The face and ears are usually shaded with black and the expression is intelligent and gentle.
The Yin represents the female or the shaded aspect, the earth, darkness, the moon, and passivity.
Screwing up his eyes, he shaded his brows with his hand and looked at the floodplain on the opposite bank.
Photoinhibition in Shaded Cotton Leaves After Exposing to High Light and the Time Course of Its Restoration
Wearing a brown cotton gown, he sat beneath acacia and zizyphus trees that shaded a pen holding guinea fowl.
他穿着一身褐色棉长袍, 坐在刺槐与枣树下。
The virtual displacement method specifies that the sum of the shaded areas is equal to the sum of the stippled areas.

单词 shaded 释义

  • 单词释义:遮蔽住,使阴暗(shade的过去式和过去分词);险胜;加灯罩;画阴影于…之上  [更多..]



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