单词 Service Management System 例句大全,用单词Service Management System造句:

Environmental Management System Assessment Service
On the Service Concept and Target System of EXPO Management
Base on Service, Reform Population Plan Management System on Basic Unit
立足服务 改革基层人口计划管理机制
The Postal Service Express Delivery Specialized Customer Relations Management System Studies
Development of the Tax Service and Administration Management System Based on Information Portal
The company has a sound technical management, engineering, quality assurance and service system.
在质量控制或质量保证部门, 最少4年的工作经验。
Importance of strengthening the management of ground service technologies under the crew shifting system
To the development of a store customer service management system, functions much, source code specifications.
给某个门店开发的客户服务管理系统, 功能不多, 源码规范。
But some managers misunderstand that the manager goal responsibility system in his service term is just the goal management.
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