单词 set down for 例句大全,用单词set down for造句:

April has been set down for the trial.
He set down and asked for a cup of cocoa.
He set down the bag and rested for a while.
He set down the heavy box and rested for a while.
The day set down for the trial will be announced.
A case management conference was set down for later this year.
They came into a restaurant, set down and called for some beer.
他们走进一家餐馆, 坐了下来, 要了一些啤酒。
Before bed, jot down what's on your mind and then set it aside for tomorrow.
睡觉前, 草草记下你想的东西然后放一边明天再说。
That was enough for him. He no longer had any desire to cut wood, so he hastily climbed down from the tree, and set forth toward home.
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