单词 Severance package 例句大全,用单词Severance package造句:

Employee Is there a severance package
There was a severance package. Just one employee was transferred to Kent.
Thus, we should ask for her resignation in return for a generous severance package.
因此, 我们应该给予她优厚的补偿并要求她辞职。
It is understood that his severance package had been frozen for more than six months.
If are leaving your company as a top executive, youll be given your final severance package.
如果你以高管的身份离开公司, 你能拿到遣散费。
In some cases, employers will pay for coverage for a limited time as part of a severance package.
而在有些情况下, 遣散费的一, 雇主会支付的保险费。
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单词 Severance package 释义

  • 单词释义:解雇补偿费,遣散费(数额通常为三个月的工资)。  [更多..]



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