单词 sewage pump 例句大全,用单词sewage pump造句:

Uesed in freshwater, salt water, sea water, sewage and chemical pump matching.
Test Research of Muddy Hydraulic Model of High Level Well of Sewage Pump Station in Shanghai
One septic tank is foreseen for offices sewage network connecting to waste water pump station.
Industry Sewage pumps, trash pump Whirlpool pump Pump Centrifugal pump Vacuum pump Control Valve.
The controller turns on the pump when the sewage tank is full and pumps the sewage into a force main.
控制阀在污水缸变满时启动泵, 并把污水抽进压力总管道。
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单词 sewage pump 释义

  • 单词释义:污水泵,排泄泵  [更多..]



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