单词 shopping cart 例句大全,用单词shopping cart造句:

With this change, your modifications to the shopping cart are complete.
In such cases the shopping cart is often placed in the righthand sidebar.
这些情况下, 购物车常常被放置到右边栏中。
Carefully replace the panda that he had originallyput in the shopping cart.
David reads the list to Susan as mom and dad push the shopping cart inside.
当妈妈和爸爸将推车推到里面时, 大卫念清单给苏珊听。
Once you have filled your shopping cart, It is time to proceed to checkout.
一旦你已经装满你的购物车, 现在是该前进到清单的时候。
You could send your kids into the tray with a cart while you did the shopping.
你采购时, 可以将孩子放在手推车的筐中。
You can put the baby in the shopping cart, so you wont have to leave him outside.
This example discusses the use case of reading a shopping cart from a remote system.
It contains the online candy catalog and the contents of the shoppers virtual shopping cart.
Part 2 will cover the shopping cart, recommendation service, and constructing a collectibles shop.
This could be due to any change made in the shopping cart before payment confirmation was received.
Clearly you wouldnt want to be caught pushing a shopping cart down the street trying to get to your car.
很明显, 你不想被人看见推着购物车沿街寻找你的车。
A professionally trained shopper takes your order, grabs a shopping cart, and does your shopping for you.
Key operating above and below, customs shopping cart will happen after the election and related passwords.
Part 0 of this article continues the discussion on distributed designs by the means of a shopping cart example.
The frontend input has realized the registration of users, users land, the shopping cart, the requiring order, etc.
前端实现了用户注册, 用户登陆, 购物车, 定单查询等。
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