单词 shopping bag 例句大全,用单词shopping bag造句:

For example, do you have any sort of shopping cart or shopping bag
To avoid using plastic bags, I take my tote bag when I go shopping.
The Shopping bag we produce applies to supermarkets and fruits shops.
我司生产的连卷背心袋适用各大超实用, 水果店用。
The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag.
Do you take your own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags?
After these people receive a shopping bag, also arranges to end, always enjoys.
这些人领到一个购物袋后, 又排到末尾, 乐此不疲。
Shopping bag is provided in the shopping mall for the convenience of customers.
为了方便顾客, 商场备有购物袋。
For retailers who are NOT Registered Retailer under the Plastic Shopping Bag Levy.
How much do you think is appropriate to charge each plastic shopping bag for the levy
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单词 shopping bag 释义

  • 单词释义:(带挽手的)购物袋;提包  [更多..]



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