单词 shield from 例句大全,用单词shield from造句:

Shield one's eyes from the glare of the overhead fluorescent lights.
From this time onward the greater part of the shield remained stable.
Turnus threw his lance, but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas.
Aim the vents in your car away from your eyes, or wear sunglasses as a shield.
让汽车的排气口远离你的眼睛, 或者戴上墨镜这个隔离罩。
Each Spartan protects the man to his left from thigh to neck, with his shield.
It has also helped to shield Mr Obama from criticisms from his own left flank.
diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left.
A step up from spearmen militia, these troops are equipped with spear and shield.
Techniques for Relieving a Shield from Trapping and Corresponding Countermeasures
Ticks having a hard shield on the back and mouth parts that project from the head.
Breathable shield allows evaporation, yet blocks moisture from seeping to clothing.
Helps shield the applications from the vagrancies of the different hardware platforms.
So now, I will use my wing which becomes full increasely to shield from wind and rain.
The golden sun of Xanth shone through the magic shield, striking sparkles from the trees.
He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation, which told him that she was right.
他想逃避自己内心的谴责, 他内心清楚她是对的。
The angel of the Eastern Gate put his wings over his head to shield himself from the first drops.
He developed a tremendous sense of humour to help him cope and to shield his anger from the world.
And Elam took the quiver, the chariot of the horseman, and the shield was taken down from the wall.
厄蓝取了箭囊, 阿兰骑上了战马, 克尔亮出了盾牌。
Her velvet cloak could only partly shield her from the Arctic conditions enveloping the wedding ceremony.
在结婚典礼上, 天鹅绒斗篷仅能帮她遮挡部分北极严寒。
In recent years, Japanese companies have repeatedly chosen to shield one another from the need to change.
Its recommended to use higher storey height , larger span column grid and shield from the natural lights.
Tax Shield The reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income.
The design method of electromagnetic shield on electronic equipments is described from the angle of structure.
EffectThis spell summons a shield of blades that emanate from you, dealing damage over time to all opponents nearby.
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单词 shield from 释义

  • 单词释义:遮蔽, 挡住使不受…的伤害;使免遭(不幸之事)  [更多..]



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