单词 shoe with 例句大全,用单词shoe with造句:

Tap with the heel of your shoe on the window, and he will let us in.
用你的鞋跟敲窗子, 这样他会让我们进去。
Chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with knife and fork.
Stick receive intensity to accord with or exceed a shoe to use a level.
Whether to wash a shoe to have harm to the skin with bleaching powder ?
Baby planted his shoe in the garden, with a new shoelace tied in a bow.
小男孩把它的鞋种在了花园里, 鞋上又穿了个新鞋带。
Wear still can rise to treat a disease with this shoe gymnastical effect.
No, it's the toasting fork, with Mother's shoe on it instead of the bread.
An overdoor shoe rack with hanging hooks can do the trick behind your door.
Above all, introduce two simply with wear a shoe germane sufficient disease.
A woman reports a colleague is smacking useless sprinkler heads with his shoe.
A British passport holder tried to blow up an airliner with a bomb in his shoe.
They also need a shoe with extra cushioning to compensate for their high arches.
shoes mildew occurs, it is timely to become moldy brush, rubbed with shoe polish.
鞋发生霉变, 应及时成为发霉刷, 擦了鞋油。
Men foot wear, except with the previous generation shoe, clogs were very popular.
男子的足服, 除采用前代履之外, 特别盛行木屐。
Finally with the shoe kind the product is an applied case that discussed a system.
This shoe cover dispenser, with good and steady quality, works in high efficienty.
Here's one way of lacing to end up with two different colours alternating up the shoe.
The school and wear high heels with a low wear shoe attack, irreconcilable blood feud.
Every alveolus above the shoe has been ironed with thick wire, put on bootlace next can.
鞋上面得每个小孔用粗铁丝烫好, 然后穿上鞋带即可。
Composite Electroplating Manufacture of Diamond Wheel for Grinding Magnet Shoe with Low Sagitta
The article says that copper shoe is probable with Taoism priest people acrobatics is concerned.
Wear slope to had been compared with the shoe so, heelpiece is tall with2 centimeters advisable.
Coupled with the panache leather, we tie the shoe to the sophistication of the sport of fencing.
It was about the size of a shoe box, with a short antenna hanging from it like a loose shoestring.
the two front brake shoe wear and tear sets of branch managers with varying degrees of eccentricity.
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单词 shoe with 释义

  • 单词释义:用…做鞋,用…钉蹄铁  [更多..]



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